Britax Marathon 65 manual
View the manual for the Britax Marathon 65 here, for free. This manual comes under the category car seats and has been rated by 1 people with an average of a 7.5. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the Britax Marathon 65 or do you need help? Ask your question here
- Warning
- Important Notes
- Certification
- Registration
- Important Child Seat Usage Information
- Compatible Vehicle Seat Belts
- Incompatible Vehicle Seat Belts
- Vehicle Seating Positions
- Harness Height Adjustment
- Adjusting Buckle Position
- Fastening the Buckle
- Releasing the Buckle
- Using the Chest Clip
- Using the Lock-Offs
- Infant Body Pillow
- Recline Positions
- Using the Lower Universal Anchorage System (LUAS)
- Using the Lower Connectors
- Using the Versa-Tether
- LUAS Installation
- Lap-Shoulder Belt Installation
- Lap Belt Installation
- LUAS Installation
- Lap-Shoulder Belt Installation
- Lap Belt Installation
- Mise en Garde
- Notes importantes
- Certification
- Enregistrement
- Renseignements importants sur l’utilisation du siège pour enfant
- Ceintures de sécurité compatibles
- Ceintures de sécurité non compatibles
- Places assises dans le véhicule
- Ajuster la hauteur du harnais
- Ajuster la position de la boucle
- Attacher la boucle
- Détacher la boucle
- Utiliser l’attache à la poitrine
- Utiliser les pinces de verrouillage
- Coussin de corps pour bébés
- Positions inclinées
- Utiliser le dispositif universel d’ancrages d’attaches inférieurs (DUA)
- Utiliser les attaches inférieures
- Utiliser le Versa-Tether®
- Installation avec le DUA
- Installation avec la ceinture baudrier/sous-abdominale
- Installation avec la ceinture sous-abdominale
- Installation avec le DUA
- Installation avec la ceinture baudrier/sous-abdominale
- Installation avec la ceinture sous-abdominale
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Number of questions: 0
Britax Marathon 65 specifications
Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the Britax Marathon 65.
Brand | Britax |
Model | Marathon 65 |
Product | car seat |
Language | English |
Filetype | User manual (PDF) |
Frequently Asked Questions
Can't find the answer to your question in the manual? You may find the answer to your question in the FAQs about the Britax Marathon 65 below.
Is it safe for a baby to sleep in a car seat?
No, the baby could suffocate. If a baby falls asleep in the car seat, the baby should be removed from the car seat and placed in a cradle. Once asleep, take the baby out and put it in its own cradle as soon as possible.
Does my two-year-old child need a car seat on the plane?
No, you can keep a child on your lap for up to 24 months during flights.
What is the safest place for a car seat?
The safest place for a car seat is in the centre of the rear seat, so that there is sufficient distance from the airbags.
Is the manual of the Britax Marathon 65 available in English?
Yes, the manual of the Britax Marathon 65 is available in English .
Is your question not listed? Ask your question here
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